"We advise all users never to share their six-digit pin code with others, not even friends or family, and recommend that all users set up two-step verification for added security. Kathryn Harnett, policy manager at WhatsApp, said: "WhatsApp protects our users' personal messages with end-to-end encryption, but we want to remind people that we all have a role to play in keeping our accounts safe by remaining vigilant to the threat of scammers. If it turns out to be untrue, report it to Action Fraud. Only when you are 100% sure the request is from someone you know and trust, should you consider it.

THINK: Does this request make sense? Are they asking for money? Remember that scammers prey on people’s kindness, trust and willingness to help.Make sure your WhatsApp two-step verification is switched on to protect your account, that you are happy with your privacy settings.